- Orders are shipped on business days only. Business days are Monday to Friday, excluding national holidays.
- We cannot deliver to PO boxes.
- Some Deliveries require signature confirmation
- We do not refund shipping costs for returned items.
- Due to logistical difficulties in making deliveries to certain areas, we reserve our right to cancel your order and/or make such order, subject to additional terms and conditions (including without limitation to requiring such orders to be conditional upon a minimum value of products being ordered in a single transaction). Our Customer Service team will notify you of cancellation and/or such conditions as soon as reasonably practicable after you place your order. This is an extremely rare scenario which LAPIS endeavors to avoid.
You can track your order by going to your Order History under My Account. Go to the order details of the order that you want to track and click on the tracking number in the “Details” column. This takes you to the carrier's website where you can find the most up-to-date information available.
Please note that until the carrier updates their computer with your tracking information, you’ll be unable to track your order via the web. It is therefore possible that when we provide you with the tracking link, within 48 hours after you place your order, no tracking information will yet be available. However, the carrier usually updates their information within one business day of the time that we provide you with the link, so if no information is yet available please check again later.
- Orders are shipped on business days only. Business days are Monday to Friday, excluding national holidays.
- We cannot deliver to PO boxes.
- Some Deliveries require signature confirmation
- We do not refund shipping costs for returned items.
- Due to logistical difficulties in making deliveries to certain areas, we reserve our right to cancel your order and/or make such order, subject to additional terms and conditions (including without limitation to requiring such orders to be conditional upon a minimum value of products being ordered in a single transaction). Our Customer Service team will notify you of cancellation and/or such conditions as soon as reasonably practicable after you place your order. This is an extremely rare scenario which LAPIS endeavors to avoid.
You can track your order by going to your Order History under My Account. Go to the order details of the order that you want to track and click on the tracking number in the “Details” column. This takes you to the carrier's website where you can find the most up-to-date information available.
Please note that until the carrier updates their computer with your tracking information, you’ll be unable to track your order via the web. It is therefore possible that when we provide you with the tracking link, within 48 hours after you place your order, no tracking information will yet be available. However, the carrier usually updates their information within one business day of the time that we provide you with the link, so if no information is yet available please check again later.